Tag Archives: family and training

5 Winter Training Tips

Winter is a great time to reflect on your abilities and past performances.  It is also a great time to find weaknesses and try to eliminate them. This will help you have the best 2013 season! What if my weakness is SWIMMING? Work on your technique. If your technique improves and you become more efficient, you […]

Facebook posting while Ironman racing???

                                         Jenni (center) with brother & support team. Photo courtesy of Amy Horton                                 Jenni Horton, like many athletes at Ironman Florida, was not racing for the first time. Although Jenni is an Ironman Veteran, she learned a […]

Fueled By Faith- Brad Seng

  Having raced 19 Ironmans and numerous sprint, Olympic distance, and half Ironman events I have witnessed a full spectrum of emotions, attitudes, and performances by athletes of all abilities and ages.  From the first timers to the seasoned professionals I have seen incredible feats of athleticism and perseverance.  What inspires and motivates us to […]

5 Creative Gift Ideas for the Triathlete, Runner, &/or Cycling Dad

We asked athletes to send us their most creative gift ideas for the triathlete, runner, &/or cyclist for Father’s Day.   Here are the top 5 most creative gift ideas 5) Pay Dad’s entry fee for a race Does the athlete Dad in your life have a dream race? How about a race that he loved […]

The life of a Professional Triathlete

  Ahhhh, the life of a professional triathlete… get up and do what you love everyday and get cool gear, right? There’s so much more than that – that’s why we interviewed professional triathlete Heath Thurston. Tell us a little about yourself and your background.    I am 33 years old and have been a […]

4 Tips for Balancing family and training – Give them a tri!

Guest post from David Garza: I love my family, and I love training and racing in all triathlon distances. I am currently training to complete my 4th Ironman race in Cozumel at the end of November, which means, now is my heaviest load of training. To make things even more challenging, my wife travels for her […]