Prepare to Live – Part 2

We all want to be more balanced.  That is what GPP is all about!  Being balanced physically can help us be stronger and faster endurance athletes without the injuries. Being balanced in all areas of our lives, not just the physical, is just as important.  That is the philosophy of GPP.  That balance is just […]

Prepare to Live Life – Part One

We’ve started something new, and we’re pretty excited about it.  Not only is this going to make us stronger, it’s going to help us become more balanced.  Finally, a season with no injuries!  The best part – it’s not just great for us, it’s great for all endurance atheletes! Maybe that’s why their tagline is […]

5 things to think about this Summer

Summer is here, and you know what that means… more chaffing, blisters, and sun burns. Last night SKIN STRONG participated in a #WellnessChat with Sarah Stanley, and we wanted to share some of the most interesting points that came out of it. 1. Both dry air and dry skin can cause chaffing, stay hydrated by […]

Prehab or Rehab?

Bob Seebohar, a friend of SKIN STRONG, recently posted something very interesting to facebook. “Athletes are funny, aren’t they? They refuse to do a few minutes of prehabilitation exercise (specifically for the hips, deep abdominals and shoulder girdle…not to mention overall flexibility) each day because they don’t have time. But when an injury presents itself […]