If you want the best advice, go to the expert! We were so fortunate to have the expert come to us! Steven from Muncie Multi-Sport (munciemultisport.com) sent us a list of tips for race day. If you are racing the Muncie 70.3, you won’t find better tips!
Here are the top 10 lessons learned from nearly 50 finishes and over 20 years of races in Muncie:
10. Drink and eat on the bike…you will need it on the run.
9. Arrive early, anything after 5am and your late!
8. A hat on the run is a must. It keeps the flies from driving you crazy.
7. Run the downhills hard. If you don’t, the uphills will crush you.
6. The event really begins at mile 11 of the run.
5. The sun will be in your eyes on the swim course on the way back in. Know the course!
4. Even if it is a cool morning, the sun will come out-it will get very hot. Drink early and often.
3. The lake is shallow enough for the water temp to move up and down quickly.
2. Bring extra nutrition for Mile 11 and Mile 12 of the run. You’ll need it.
1. Save 5% of your energy for the last hill on the run! It sucks but leaves you with the last bit to the finish line!
Don’t miss part 3 – Spectator tips!