Will you walk a mile (or 60) in your friend’s shoes?

Today’s original post was planned out weeks ago… until this morning. What happened this morning? I read my friend’s update on her CaringBridge website… We share a lot of stories of strong people and tips on how to be stronger – this post is about a truly strong person!

Jennifer, husband Tom, and their boys

Last year, I met Jennifer the same way most parents meet people – at their kid’s school. Even though she was new to the area, she had managed to be involved in just about everything going on at the school. She is one of those up-beat people that you love being around. I happened to be with her one day when she wasn’t upbeat – days after being diagnosed with Leiomayosarcoma (soft tissue sarcoma- cancer) after going to the hospital for a routine procedure. Needless to say, she was in shock and didn’t know how she was going to tell her family or her two little boys. I am a person who never knows the right thing to do for someone in these, so I feel extremely blessed to have been there that day – I do know how to simply listen!

Through all the surgeries, tests, and chemo, Jennifer is still upbeat -I have learned so much from watching her go through this ordeal!  For example, when I (and most women I know) looked in the mirror and saw most of my hair gone, I would have been throwing a huge pity party!  Jennifer said that having a small patch of hair in the back reminded her of her dad (who died when she was 22) which actually was a comfort.

I found out that Jennifer has participated in the 60 mile in 3 day Susan G Komen event 4 times (3 times walking and 1 time volunteering)  Last year, she got her friends to walk with her.

Jennifer (2nd from right), Deb (far left), and friends

Deb is one of Jennifer’s friends (and also her husband, Tom’s cousin) who walked the 60 miles – how bad can it be, right?  It turned out to be 96 degrees with high humidity.  Deb finished with 14 blisters and 4 lost toenails (wish we could have given her some SLATHER)!


Deb in the medical tent at last year’s 3 day walk

Good friend, right?

Jennifer had already planned to walk in the 3 day event in Atlanta this October and raised the funds before she got the diagnosis.  So, this weekend in Novi, MI, Deb will be walking the 3 day event with Jennifer’s credentials around her neck!  That is a GREAT friend!


This weekend please take a minute to pray for these two STRONG women!

Any message you would like to send them?



1 thoughts on “Will you walk a mile (or 60) in your friend’s shoes?

  1. Monica Bacon says:

    Way to go, Deb!!! Thank you for walking in honor of our friend, Jennifer. 🙂 Best of luck. In spite of the blisters……remember to just have fun!! 🙂


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